Thursday, August 1, 2013

What is Spirituality? What is Spiritual Living?

I've been brought up with a catholic background and christian values. All my life I've questioned the "rules and regulations" of the church.
I believe in God /Source (or what you choose to call it) and still do but am I a spiritual person?
I believe I'm a spiritual being having a human experience. I believe everything that happens to me in this world is a consequence of my beliefs, my thoughts, my way of thinking. I believe that every thought manifests. Therefore I am positive in my thoughts and in my actions. I try to stay that way although, being 'human' means, sometimes I fail.
I believe my religion doesn't define who I am or why I am here NOW.  I also believe that, to succeed, I have to experience what is negative to be able to appreciate the positive. 
I am a very open minded person, I believe we should accept and respect all religions and help each other no matter where we come from, our financial status,  our appearance and last but definitely not least our beliefs.
I believe in Spiritual Living!!!

Claudia Silva

Noah Levine
Author of Against the Stream
"When I was 17 years old, I realized, after waking up in a cell in a juvenile detention center—again—that I was the one who had gotten myself into the mess I was in. At that point, in 1988, I'd been drinking and getting high since I was 12, and there I was, looking at my third felony arrest, resigned to a life of incarceration. It was after a failed suicide attempt that the moment of clarity, that spiritual experience happened: the breaking of denial and blaming everyone else for my problems. I couldn't blame this ignorant, oppressive world; it was how I was relating to this world. So much of the suffering I was experiencing was about the past and the future, but that moment brought me into the present and was the beginning of my spiritual practice: meditation, prayer, and addressing my addiction. I was responsible. I was not a victim. I had created the situation and I had the power to get out of it. I had hope."
Tobias Wolff
Author of This Boy's Life
"It's hard for me to imagine coming to an understanding of spirituality in a single moment. Does it mean a politician competing with other politicians over who is more born-again? A novice taking her final vows? A Buddhist monk setting himself on fire to protest government oppression? Or could it refer to the determination of an immigrant couple to sacrifice their lives in grinding, minimum-wage work so that their children might have something better? Perhaps the greatest problem with this word is the line it seems to imply between spirit and flesh, between some exalted, superior state and the experience of everyday life, when in fact they are all mixed up together. We define ourselves and our deepest values by the choices we make, day by day, hour by hour, over a lifetime."
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Claudia Silva

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PS- You too can choose to change your future and gain financial freedom! To find out more click HERE!<

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